Elak Sakit Sewaktu Travel? Ikuti Tips Doktor Ini.


Traveling sewaktu anda sedang bercuti daripada sebarang kerja adalah perfect time to catch up with old friends, connect with family and explore new places. Unfortunately, anda juga berpotensi untuk jatuh sakit pada waktu yang sama. Between flying on planes with recirculated air, packing a ton of activities into a short time and risking becoming run down, and the dreaded jet lag, ada kemungkinan anda akan berasa tidak sedap badan and longing for your own bed, not the one from high school. 

Tired Hey Arnold GIF

Luckily, there are several small steps travelers can take to help prevent getting sick and make it easier to deal with if you do. Berikut adalah tips yang dikongsikan oleh Dr. Rand McClain, Medical Director for LCR Health yang boleh anda cuba untuk mengelakkan daripada sakit sewaktu travel.

  • Tidur adalah kunci utama 

McClain’s No. 1 tip is to get enough sleep. Well, simple je konsepnya, bila anda cukup rehat, that will make your brain work better. Tapi bila anda travel, susah pula nak tidur. Lagi-lagi disebabkan perubahan time zones will affect your circadian rhythm.

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“Roughly for each time zone hour you change, it takes you at least a day to adjust to that time zone,” ujar McClain yang menyarankan anda yang merasakan jet lag untuk terdedah dengan sinaran matahari dan bersenam. “One of the tricks to help your body at least learn to go to sleep at the right time is as soon as you land, get some sun exposure… and help reset that clock,” katanya. Bersenam juga akan membantu, even sekadar berjalan.

  • Pilih best seat dalam plane 

Tidak kesemua plane seats are created equal dan ini bukan merujuk kepada tempat duduk business vs. economy. McClain explained that choosing the window seat can actually help you avoid as many germs as possible berbanding passengers di bahagian the middle or aisle. 

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Kalau anda duduk di bahagian aisle, you’re more likely to get affected by germs floating around. OMG. Kuman. Tidak. 

  • Mula mengelap 

Mengelap apa pula? Perkara pertama anda boleh lakukan when you get on a plane or into a hotel room, is to wipe down the surfaces. McClain mencadangkan supaya guna alcohol wipes or bringing a container of antibacterial gel — 3 oz or less, of course. 

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Tindakan itu bertujuan untuk kill germs on contact The higher the [alcohol] concentration, the better, the more likely you are to kill a virus or a bacteria. Di dalam hotel room, McClain menyarankan supaya wiping down things like the phone and remotes.

  • Minum air

Meskipum alcohol is good for wiping down surfaces, tapi cuba elakkan untuk consume alcohol sewaktu dalam flight. Planes can be dehydrating and alcohol just makes this worse. Instead, just minum air biasa. 

Drink Water GIF by Shameless Maya

Drinking too much alcohol on a plane boleh weaken your immune system by dehydrating you. Sekurang-kurangnya 1 cawan air bagi setiap satu jam kira ok dah tu.

  • Bergerak

Duduk dekat dalam plane untuk tempoh masa panjang can create enough stasis where you can form a blood clot. Oleh itu, bangun dan bergerak sedikit to prevent potentially dangerous blood clots and swelling. 

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Bangun dan bergerak ideally once an hour would be great. Eating a higher protein meal before you get on the plane can also help to reduce swelling while up in the air.

  • Bersedia

Bawa ubat-ubatan basic seperti sakit perut, demam dan flu supaya ia tidak melarat menyebabkan anda menjadi lebih teruk.

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Kalau nak bawa vitamin pun ok juga. Supaya kekal bertenaga.

#RCEssentials #RajaCuti

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